Mysims Agents Walkthrough Wii

MySims Agents walkthroughs on SuperCheats - Walkthrough. Registration allows you to keep track of all your content and comments, save bookmarks, and post in all our forums. Hey guys and welcome to my new lets play of MySims Agents! This is one of my favorite Wii games of all time and I really wanted to share this game with you guys and hopefully you will fall in love.

.Secret outfits. A secret outfit is obtainable from completing the four cases on the MySims Agents website. You should go and solve the cases, and earn your reward. But if you're lazy, scroll to the end of the page, and there you will find the code - when at Create-A-Sim, click the following directions on the D-pad on the Wii Remote - and you'll earn the secret outfit!. A second secret outfit is available if you unlock and complete case 5! The code is at the bottom of this page.Trivia.
Three new characters, and, who were supposed to appear in the game, but for some reasons, were cut out. Faith and Isaac were cameo characters from Mirror's Edge and Dead Space, respectively. You can still get Isaac's outfit, and a trophy of Faith. Madison was the sister of Evelyn Gray. Many existing characters were created character icons, indicating they would probably be in the game, but, for some reason, were not. Such characters include,. Doesn't have a icon, but was going to appear, as was confirmed by.
Two levels (a space level and Atlantis) were scrapped from the game for unknown reasons. This is one of the games where your Sim has dialogue (excluding ). On the MySims Agents official website, it says over 100 characters would appear in the game. However, there are only 80 characters. This means that at least 20 characters were removed from the game although there are only 9 characters known to have been planned to be in the game, but not be included.
There was a planned to the game, but it was shelved from production. During early production, MySims Agents was known as MySims Mystery. In DS version of MySims Agents, after defeating the game, you are given a chance to enter a secret password for special furniture if you have a computer/laptop. As of right now, no one knows what the password is.
This game appears in The Sims 4: City Living expansion pack as one of the games a Sim can play alongside MySims Racing.Cheats1) 'Left, Right, Left, Right, Up, Down, Up, Down'2) 'Right, Up, Right, Up, Down, Left, Down, Left'External links.Previews and videos.Hands-on previews.Reviews. 'Is the fifth MySims game for Wii also the best?' . 'This game is much more of a gem than I expected. Even though it’s clearly a game for the younger generation, certain aspects still enchanted me enough to steal away several hours of my life.' .
'If you’re able to ignore the cutesy presentation and overly simplified introductory gameplay, you could truly find something to enjoy in this lighthearted approach to environmental puzzle-solving.' . 'I am going to just come out and say it.
I did not think I was going to, but I really enjoyed this game.' . 'MySims Agents might be the best of the traditional MySims titles, despite feeling the least like one.' . 'Overall we give EA MySims Agents 5 out of 5 Golden Eggs for fun game play, a great story line, challenging puzzles, and good interactivity.' Discussions about MySims Agents.
MySims - WalkthroughMySims DS Complete Walkthroughby Freyashawkemail: castleenchanted aolCreated on 7 January 2008Last updated on 22 February 2008N.B. This Walkthrough originally formed the first section of my GeneralGuide. I now have split the two guides and the General Guide will be found ata separate URL at:NO ATTACHMENTS - PLAIN TEXT E-MAILS ONLYPlease feel free to contact me if you have any questions about the game or myguide. I try to answer all serious requests for help but I will not open anyemail with an attachment. AOL sometimes considers a 'signature' or a simpleicon as an attachment. Please send your emails as plain text or I shall notbe able to respond.
Thank you.IntroductionI have written two separate guides for MySims for the DS platform.Originally, I had intended only a General Guide, but when I began my secondgame in order to add more details to the guide, I began to work on an actualstep-by-step, day by day Walkthrough. This is the result. Now there are twoseparate guides. One is this comprehensive Walkthrough.
The other is aGeneral Guide that can be found at:MySims for Consoles and HandheldsMySims has been created both for the Wii and the DS platforms. The games arerelated but rather different in many respects.My General Guide for MySims for the Wii platform can be found at:Characters from the Wii version of the game are known to characters in the DSversion and Sims often will speak of 'famous' individuals who exist only inthe Wii version of the game. The Wii game is a little more complex than theDS version, but both are fun to play and each offers something different.The basic premise of the two games is identical. You are a newcomer to yourvillage and must help restore its financial security as well as itspopularity. In the DS version of the game, this is done through socialinteractions, playing 'mini-games' and by patronising local businesses.The primary difference between the two games is the fact that the Wii gameessentially is a building game. Using building blocks of various types, youcan build homes/businesses and items of furniture, then add special 'Essences'to them that will imbue them with characteristics popular with individuals whorespond to those 'Essences'.You cannot build items in the DS game, although you can design patterns tocustomise outfits and items of furniture once you have unlocked those optionswith respect to specific merchants. You can buy furniture and items withwhich to decorate both your own home and public gardens and other areas.There are Essences in the DS version, but there are only four of them.
Theymust be unlocked and they are connected to specific areas. 'Essence ofForest' when unlocked, for example, can be used as a pattern to design customfurniture.The DS game fundamentally is based on social interactions with 'tourists' andmaking money by playing various 'mini-games'.It is a fairly straightforward game and only a very basic guide is required.Star Level Ratings is an aspect that appears in both games. As you achievegoals, make friends and help other townspeople, you will advance the StarLevel of your village. When you reach the next level in either game, newareas are unlocked.Guide FormatThis guide is a detailed Walkthrough.
In the Walkthrough, information isgiven about each option as it is unlocked in the course of gameplay.Obviously, players may wish to perform actions in a different order to thatgiven in this Walkthrough, but it was most logical for me to give theinformation in the order in which options were unlocked in my own games. As Iattempted to spend equal time in all areas to unlock new options as quickly aspossible in each, any player who is following the Walkthrough should not havetoo much trouble.Most Business/Commercial Sims offer at least two different options that mustbe unlocked by gameplay. A few offer three. Most shops have five differentlevels of upgrading in terms of the items they offer for sale. As I tried tobe even-handed in my own game in terms of visiting each business andpurchasing as many items as possible from each on a regular basis, you shouldfind that all businesses will be upgraded in this Walkthrough at approximatelythe same time.New items are offered in shops if you purchase a good quantity from the shopin question. Visiting Residents regularly and paying attention to the gossipgiven to you by Charlie the Baker will allow you to unlock new optionsquickly.
Whenever Charlie tells you that a resident is looking for you, itdenotes the possibility of unlocking a new option. Whenever Charlie tells youthat a resident is upset, it usually denotes the opportunity to earn yourpersonal Gold Star friendship rating with that individual.There are two kinds of Star ratings in this game. The first is the Town StarRating. That begins at zero and advances to five as you participate in theeconomy and social life of the area. Specific actions increase the Town StarRating.The second kind of Star rating is the Personal one for each resident.
Itdenotes your Friendship rating with the individual. When you reach maximumfriendship with the resident, a Gold Star will appear on the top screen nextto the Resident when you access his/her page in the Character Menu.The Walkthrough describes each specific action that increases the Town StarRating as well as those that allow you to earn your Personal Gold Star witheach resident.In the Walkthrough, the items offered by each shop at any level are given.Special items are described as well. As previously stated, the order in whichany player finds special items or unlocks new options may differ slightly butthe Walkthrough is detailed and complete.If a player prefers a 'free play' approach, he/she probably may prefer torefer to the General Guide. If a player likes to have detailed instructionto achieve maximum advancement in the minimum amount of time, that playershould use the Walkthrough.The General Guide is divided into sections that deal with individual specificaspects of the game, including Star Ratings, mini-games and other activities.Strategies are discussed and information as to specific plot points isincluded. As a link to the General Guide is given in the Introduction to thisWalkthrough, any player who wishes to use it can refer to that link.Starting the Game: Basic Walkthrough, Level 1You can choose gender, eye colour, flesh tone, colour of shirt with colour ofskirt and shoes or you can choose a frock instead if you are a girl.Captain: The boat is leaving port. Come on, hurry up and get on the boat!Ok, are you settled in?
So, which town are you going to?(This is your opportunity to name your town.)Captain: Oh, Asgard is it? I haven't been there in awhile. You're moving there?Well, whatever. We're off!At the dock:Captain: Allright, we're here. You'll hit the town if you go due east fromhere, but I've gotta say, you're quite a curious Sim for wanting to come tothis town.Your Sim now automatically will chase a young boy who is wearing a dog suit.He will run towards the east from the Port Area to the next screen, which isthe Town Area. You will find yourself in front of a Fountain, out of breath.When you enter the building north of the fountain, you will see a woman whohas her hair swept into a bun.Helen: Oh my, what shall I do.Now you have an option:Talk to the Town Mayor.Meet the MayorGame Tip: Press A when close to some one, or touch the Sim directly toinitiate conversation.Mayor Helen: Are you here to do some sightseeing?
I'm sorry, but I'm so busyright now that I won't be able to show you around. My grandson TIm has goneout somewhere. I wonder if he's gone to the Racquetball Court in town again.If you speak to her again, she simply will repeat herself. Obviously, this isa hint for you to find Tim for her. Exit the building to obtain a prompt:Game Tip: Use the map to find your location. View the map to find yourpresent location and the location of other Sims. Tim, whom Helen is lookingfor, is at the Racquetball court in town.Controls: Press Y, or touch the icon on the lower left to display the map onthe upper screen.
The map can also be viewed on the status screen.Touch the icon in the bottom left corner of the lower screen to access themap. The map will appear on the upper sceen and you instantly will see Tim atthe top left corner of the map. Run northwest to find him at the Racquetballcourt. He was the guy whom you chased earlier!Meet Tim: Social Interaction TutorialTim: I'm Tim. Whoever you are, I'm not leavin'!You will see a prompt:Make Tim Happy!Game Tip: Fill up the Happy Metre by selecting the appropriate conversationcommand before the time limit metre runs out. A happy Tim will probably bemore willing to walk to you.This is your first proper Social Interaction, a very vital component in thegame, as it is in all the Sims games.
There is a time limit for each SocialInteraction with another Sim. The responses are displayed as icons at thebottom of the lower screen. They include:TalkListenLaughCryGet AngryEncourageComfortThe order in which you choose them as well as the choices themselves willdetermine success or failure to some extent. This first Social Interaction isin the nature of a tutorial, however, and you may only have two choices,either to 'Talk' or to 'Listen'.When you complete a successful Social Interaction with Tim, he will say:Tim:Wow, Grandma is that worried?
Well, I guess I should be heading back.He will shake your hand you will embrace if your conversation is successful.These are two of the physical responses to any successful dialogue. In somecases, Sims will laugh or give you a 'high five' sign.Social Interactions with ResidentsYou can approach any Tourist Sim once each day to engage in a SocialInteraction. If it ends successfully, you will receive a sum of money fromthe Tourist.
If it is unsuccessful, the Tourist will be very upset and willremain upset until the next morning.Ordinarily, you cannot engage 'business' or 'commercial' Sims in SocialInteractions. Tim is considered a Business Sim as he is in charge ofRacquetball. It is only when you first meet any Commercial or Business Simthat you are allowed to engage in a Social Interaction with him or her as youdid with Tim.With respect to an initial Social Interaction with any Business Sim ortownsperson, you will have only one option: Converse. With respect to anySocial Interaction with any Tourist, you usually will have two differentoptions:Give GiftConverseIn order to give a Tourist a Gift, you must choose the Gift optionimmediately.
Once you embark upon a conversation, you will not have anyfurther opportunity to give a Gift to the Sim.Most Gifts will not stand in lieu of a conversation but simply will act as apartial boost in filling the Social Interaction bar. All items that are gift-wrapped are eligible for gift-giving. There are different types of gifts:ordinary gift options are flowers, food and jewelry. More details about thiswill be found in the section that deals with gifts.Residents' InformationGame Tip: Look at the residents' information.
The residents' information canbe viewed from the status screen. Go to the status screen and select thehuman-shaped icon to cheque a resident.If you look at Tim now on this screen, it will say:Grandson to the Mayor. Cares for his grandmother deeply.The Residents' Information or Characters Menu will give all currentinformation about any Resident.
As you unlock more options, the descriptionof the Residents' status will change accordingly.The game now will declare that:You were able to convince Tim who was at the racquetball court. He's quietlygoing back to the mayor's home.If you attempt to speak to him again, you will not be able to engage him inSocial Interaction.
Instead, he simply will tell you: I've caused Grandmaenough worries.Exploring the Town MapAs the game has stated, you can access your Map via two different options.The first is the icon at the bottom left of the lower screen of the DS. Tapon this to access either a screen of the Map of your current area or the timeof day screen. You can choose which screen you wish to keep on the top screenof the DS.
There are advantages to each.If you keep the current area Map on the top screen, you will be able to seeyour location as well as the current location of each Resident in the area.There are a number of different areas in the game. The Town is merely thefirst, but it contains the majority of shops and Residents in the game.Residents' positions vary according to the day of the week and time of day.Tourists are not displayed on the Map. You will begin to encounter Touristslater in the game. At this point, there are no Tourists and very fewResidents. None of the Shops in Town have opened yet.Time of Day or Clock Screen:By tapping the icon in the bottom left corner of the lower screen, you canchange the display on the top screen from the Area Map to the Time of DayScreen.The Time of Day Screen can be very useful as it will display the day of theweek and the precise time of day. Time is organised into four periods:Morning, Afternoon, Evening and Night, displayed in an arc or wheel on the topscreen above the picture of a little house. The diamond in the centre is seton the precise current time.
As the wheel turns, the diamond always willremain in the centre. There are no numbers, but you can see how far the wheelhas turned towards the next period at any given time.Time IS of the essence in this game only in terms of visiting shops andinteracting with Residents. Tourists will be found at all periods of the dayor night but if you wish to purchase items at a shop, play a mini-game or sellfish to Joseph, the resident Fisherman, you need to be aware of the time. Theday of the week can be relevant as well. Some shops have a 'day off'; FashionReviews are announced on a notice board at the Entertainment Area and will begiven in different locations on different days.Exploring the TownTim and Racquetball CourtBeginning in the upper left corner of the Town, in the Northwest, you willfind the Racquetball Court. There is a court in almost every area of theMap.
Tim is in charge of all racquetball courts.Ewan and Police StationTo the right of the Racquetball Court is the Police Station. Ewan, the localPolice Officer, lives there as well.
At this point, however, you will see anotice to the effect that:Patrol is in recess.-Ewan-Helen and Tim's HouseThe house next to the Police Station is the Mayor's house where Helen liveswith her grandson Tim.Below all these is another row of buildings.Charlie and Bakery or Cake ShopFrom far left or west to east, you will find:The Bakery or Cake Shop. At this point in time, it is vacant.
If youinvestigate: There doesn't seem to be any one living here.Later, it will be managed by Charlie, the local Baker.To the right of the Bakery is a block of stone. If you investigate, you willsee a prompt:There's a base to put something onto.Mayor Helen and Town HallTo the right of this is the Town Hall.You will find the Mayor here now.Mayor: Thanks for bringing Tim back. You're the new resident thatjust moved in. I'm Helen, the mayor iof this town. I'm sorry but I didn'tcatch your name. Could you please fill out this form to officialiy registeryour residence in this town?This is your opportunity to choose a name for your character. It can be amaximum of twenty characters, whether letters, numbers or icons.What is your name?Freyashawk, is that correct?In each situation in this game, you will be prompted to accept or reject anyoption.
In the middle of the lower screen, you will see an X on the left anda chequemark on the right. If you do not wish to accept the option, tap theX. If you do accept, tap the chequemark.Helen: O.K. That should do it. Thank you, Freyashawk. I'd like toofficially extend you a warm welcome to our town! There aren't that manyresidents right now.
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But please enjoy your stay here. By the way, Tyler isthe tailor in this town, and we also have police officer Ewan living here. Ifyou have some time, I'd like you to pay them a visit. It's been a while sincewe had a new resident. The townsfolk will be so happy to see a new face.If you speak to Helen again, she will inform you:Tyler lives to the south of here and Ewan's house is to the north.Your next task, therefore, is to introduce yourself to the Police Officer Ewanand the Tailor Tyler.If you look at the Map now, you will see that the Police Station no longer isempty.
The icon of a face is displayed there. Ewan apparently has returnedfrom his patrol and you may wish to introduce yourself to him before youexplore the rest of the town.Ewan and the Police StationGo almost directly north from the Town Hall to find the Police Station youinvestigated earlier.Ewan: Who are you? So you're Freyashawk. I'm here to serveand protect the citizens of this town. But the number of citizens to serveand protect have been few and far between. What am I to do to quench the fireof my soul that burns for justice?Make Ewan happy!Make an angry Ewan happy.The same conversation command will elicit different reactions from the samecharacters, depending on their emotion at the time. Select what you feel isthe most appropriate conversation command at that time.Make an Angry Ewan happy!This time, you will see a different choice of icons:CryTalkIn this Social Interaction, it is the 'Cry' option that will fill the SocialInteraction bar sufficiently to complete a successful conversation in the timelimit.
Use the 'Cry' option, therefore, until the bar fills.If you fail in these circumstances, however, you will be given another chance,unlike any Social Interaction with a Tourist, where failure will be absoluteuntil the next day.Ewan: The fog in my heart has been cleared up thanks to you. You're new herearen't you?
I think you have some potential, kid! How would you like to helpthis official police officer protect the town?If you speak to him again now:Ewan: Ah, I'm so bored! There's no one to protect here! I wish more peoplewould move in. I'm going to go insane from boredom.When you leave the Police Station, you will see a prompt: You've finishedmeeting Ewan. Go meet Tyler next.
Tyler is in the store located to thebottom left of the fountain.Before you do this, however, you may wish to explore the Town Map a littlefurther, to gain your bearings.Ashley and Florist or Flower ShopTo the right of the Town Hall is a shop with a red and white striped awning.This is the local Flower Shop. At present, however, it is not open forbusiness, but you will have an opportunity to meet the Florist shortly andwill be invited to assist her. Her name is Ashley.If you investigate now, you will see: There doesn't seem to be any one livinghere.You do need to speak to the Tailor who is in his shop in the southwest cornerof the Map. On the way, however, you should explore.Trolley StopBelow these buildings is a path that goes from west to east across the Town.At the far left is a Trolley Stop. The Trolley ultimately will offerinexpensive and rapid transportation from one area of the map to another.