A Hat In Time Hat Kid

Contents Description Physical AppearanceThe Snatcher usually appears as a shadow or as a solid form of shadowy material. Due to his abilities as a shapeshifter, he can mimic the forms of others. Furthermore, his physical features in his typical and transformation forms are always in flux. His most distinguishing feature is his glowing yellow eyes and trickster smile.PersonalityThe Snatcher is a very manipulative, and amoral spirit who possesses an obnoxious and exuberant yet trickster-like and even downright cruel personality. He takes enjoyment in toying with and tormenting others for his own amusement and threatens them for his own benefit; Depending on the situation he will convey this trait in a demanding and/or menacing way. When Hat Kid first encounters him, he boisterously torments and berates her for falling into one of his traps.
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Despite hinting at killing her at first, he will quickly remark with an offer of becoming one of his henchmen by committing to various forms of labor around his forest. Once Hat Kid accepts, The Snatcher will then steal her soul and claim that she will get it back if she were to complete all of his contracts. Should Hat Kid refuse this, The Snatcher will then grow enraged with Hat Kid's non-compliance, and will even go as far as to killing her if she chooses to not comply entirely.Given his manipulative stature, The Snatcher is quick to hamper his victims and barter with them with the use of his many contracts. These can entail doing simple grunt work such as delivering mail to exposing the player to intense danger like a mini-boss fight with an over-sized haunted toilet, which he openly admits is one of the easier ones to choose. When The Snatcher doesn't get his way, his short-tempered side will show.
A fine example is when Hat Kid refuses to sign his contracts (As mentioned above) or when she turns the tables in Your Contract has Expired and forces him to relinquish her soul and the Time Pieces in order to never return to the forest again. Even when being conned in his own games, he is quick to grant minor praise to Hat Kid as 'quite the character. And a tough negotiator'.RolesThough the Snatcher can be overshadowed by characters such as or the in their respective Acts, he serves most notably as the instigator of these secondary antagonists by pitting Hat Kid against new threats in order to reach his own personal goals. He achieves this through his contracts, which although they seem like a burden, they enable the player to access the other Acts of Subcon and are typically treated as a necessary evil to completion.In other areas without such secondary threats, the Snatcher's presence is most often felt in his large ensemble of followers scattered throughout the Forest and often overlooking the player's progress. In effect, The Snatcher is one of the more passive antagonists, seldom confronting Hat Kid directly unless giving contracts, direct orders or being confronted in the final Act of Subcon Forest.In, Snatcher takes on the role of primary antagonist, creating a wide assortment of new, more difficult contracts for Hat Kid to complete with the goal of taking her soul should she die.
This page contains spoilers for A Hat in Time. If you have not completed the game and prefer to learn the story yourself, it is a recommendation to not read this section.Before battling with Snatcher, he begins to explain further to Hat Kid about how his previous worker had their head pop off, mostly elaborating that it wasn't due to the danger of the jobs performed but that Snatcher had lost all value in the individual. He then shifts his discussion to how Hat Kid's ready completion of contracts have lead to no more tasks to be performed and obligations to be lifted, rendering her use to him obsolete. Finishing off his prelude to the fight is him explaining how the Time Pieces that fell into the Forest were his property and that he would ultimately not let Hat Kid keep them in the end.The fight immediately begins with the Hat being stolen, disabling any powers such as sprinting or slowing time and making the risk of the fight significantly higher as a result. Note however that some badge effects, notably those that are beneficial like Projectile Badge are disabled as a result, whilst others like the Camera and 1-Hit Hero remain for the duration of the battle.Most of Snatcher's attacks center around attacking Hat Kid head-on with powerful blasts indicated on the ground prior to their detonation, giving the player some time to react and avoid damage. The first phase includes a basic variant that targets directly below the player and having a final blast ahead of the player to catch them off guard.
Shortly after the first attack, Snatcher will explain that he won't turn blue, as a result, he is invincible. Further variants occur in the second phase, with three blasts alternating in a triangular fashion to cover a large area of the arena quickly, to a rotating set of four blasts which slow down and eventually detonate where they land.Another major attack is a series of vials that are only used in the first phase. Poptropica time tangled walkthrough peace medal.
at. Faceless man. Internet Movie Data Base.External links Wikiquote has quotations related to:. on. at. .