Wolfenstein The Old Blood

Finding the Chapter 1 nightmare bedAs you progress through the prison, you'll get to talk to a prisoner called Markus who mistakes you for his son. As soon as this happens, know that the nightmare bed is quite near.Continue to the nearby gate and use sprint-slide to get past it. Now enter the circular hall where several prisoners are sitting and walking about. Find the open prison cell with the two stacked beds and a hatch in the floor beside them.Open the hatch and jump down onto the stacked beds below. Get down to the floor. The bottom bed of these two is the chapter's nightmare bed. Click on it to activate the nightmare maze.
Wolfenstein: The Old Blood is a first-person action game. Like most recent entries in the Wolfenstein series, focuses on shooting but adds an element of stealth gameplay. Released in 2015, Wolfenstein: The Old Blood is a followup to 2014's Wolfenstein: The New Order. Once again, the player takes control of commando William 'B.J.'
Finding the Chapter 2 nightmare bedAfter escaping from prison, get down from the balcony (where you forced the switch) back into the cable boat and continue the trip into the next area. Shortly after entering, you will come under heavy enemy fire. Take care of the enemy while still in the boat as well as after you have disembarked.Notice the other cable boat on the other side of the dock? That will take you directly to another balcony with a switch AND the next nightmare bed. (In the meanwhile you can explore the surroundings, get into the right-hand side upper level of the keep by pulling a lever, going through a gate and climbing up a wall, then down again to eventually end up at this docking area again.) Get into this second cable boat and take the short trip to the second balcony.Go through the gate and get up onto the balcony when the boat stops.
Before you pull the switch, locate the nightmare bed on the right-hand side of the balcony and click to activate the nightmare maze. Finding the Chapter 3 nightmare bedOnce you reach the dining hall, you are in close vicinity to the chapter's nightmare bed.
A long table is set in the middle of the floor, with a fireplace burning at the far end. The area is patrolled by Nazis. After taking care of the enemy, go to the left-hand side of the room (as you entered) where there is a kitchen and pantry area. Continue further in until you get to a closed trellis-gate. When you stand close to it, a prompt will tell you that it's opened from the other side.
This is the secret area that contains the nightmare bed.To get to that secret area you must first climb the stairs to the upper level of the dining room, where you go to the side of the room the closed gate is on. Locate a hatch in the wall around the corner (far left corner of the upper level as you entered the dining hall). Open the hatch and climb through it.At the opposite side of the little room there's a weak spot in the wall where you can break through and continue the game. However, before you do that, notice the lower area beneath the wooden support on your right.
This is the secret area where the nightmare bed is. So jump over the side to the bottom part.With the closed gate on your left (you can now open it from this side), go to the nightmare bed in the corner and click to activate the nightmare maze. Finding the Chapter 4 nightmare bedThis nightmare bed is located in the Paderborn tavern where you meet up with Annette and Kessler for the first time in the game. Citizen burger disorder kritz.
After meeting the village drunk (also for the first time) and, maybe, giving him some coins for soup, go around the building to the tavern door and knock.Follow Annette into the tavern, but don't go into the room where Kessler is yet, otherwise you will miss the bed. Instead, go up the stairs on the left as you entered the building.The nightmare bed is to be found at the top of this staircase.
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Click on it to activate the nightmare maze. Finding the Chapter 5 nightmare bedAfter dealing with the two Nazi commanders, two super soldiers and a few regular soldiers in the Wulfburg square, you jump down from a roof into an alley that leads past a brown sign hanging on your left that reads 'Bierstube' ('Beer room'). Continue down the alley until you get to the village drunk for the second time, who is very glad to see his old friend again.After the drunk quiets down and goes to sleep, continue on to the left, where you will find the nightmare bed in the corner behind a broken old pick-up. Before you turn to the right to go to Agent Two's house, click on the bed to activate the nightmare maze. Finding the Chapter 6 nightmare bedYou are on your way to meet up with Kessler and Annette again, but they are not at the boat house. You acquire a shotgun and upon exiting the boat house you deal with several Nazi zombis that have rained down from the sky in the area.
Much of the area is ablaze, also the airships above. You continue to the left of this docking area where you have previously taken care of some Nazis and their commanders.There now is a gap where earlier on the way was barred. Jump into the water and swim to the once inaccessible part of the area. To your left you will see a shop sign reading 'Schmiede' ('Blacksmith') and a bit further you will encounter a detached water-wheel from a mill.The chapter's nightmare bed is in the gap where this water-wheel is. Get in there and click to activate the nightmare maze.
Finding the Chapter 7 nightmare bedFrom the start of the level, use the Laderoboter to break down the gate in front of you. (You can also explore this area before bashing down the gate - press 'C' (default) to exit the machine.) On the other side, exit the machine and shoot the ropes attached to the drawbridge to your left so you can access the next large gate. Get back into the machine and also break down that gate with it. There is a bridge in front of you with a Nazi fighting off some zombis. Kill them all and exit the machine again.
Facing the bridge the way you entered this area, notice the broken wooden walkway across the water on your left (just before crossing the bridge). This is where you need to go.Jump into the water here and swim to any of the two brick archways on the right. Continue through to the other side, where you can get out of the water.Once you get onto dry land, go to your right, where you will find the chapter's nightmare bed in the corner behind some boxes, next to another brick archway. Click to access the nightmare maze. Finding the Chapter 8 nightmare bedAfter going down a floor using a cage-elevator, duck behind a mining cart to avoid being spotted by a super soldier.
Once he turns to walk back in the opposite direction, follow him to where you turn into a doorway on your left. (After getting out of the elevator, you may explore the screened-off area to your right, but avoid from being seen by the super soldier.) You enter a tunnel with a large yellow funnel running alongside you. It ends when you get to a fenched-off area where there is a table with some grenades on it and a skeleton sitting next to a locked wooden door. This is the area containing the nightmare bed, but you can not access it from this side.For now, you have to move deeper into the dig site, either avoiding enemies or taking them out as you go. So continue past that closed door to the junction, where you turn to the left, following the tram lines. Up ahead is a door that opens by holding down a lever and then prying it open with your multi-purpose piece of pipe.On the other side of the door you enter a room with three Nazi soldiers who are shooting at some zombis through windows.
They all have their backs turned to you, so take them out stealthily (or not). Two rooms lead out from this one: one to your left and one to your right (as you entered). To get to the nightmare bed, go up the steps on the left and immediately turn left again.
You will see some stairs with a hole going down right through them. Go through that hole.You are now in a small chamber with only one small exit: a narrow rectangular window that will take you into the secret area with the nightmare bed. Tuck in your stomach and climb through to the other side. Now click on the bed to activate the last nightmare maze. (The locked door will now open to let you continue the chapter and finish the game.).
Wolfenstein®: The Old Blood™ is a standalone prequel to the critically acclaimed first-person action-adventure shooter, Wolfenstein®: The New Order. The adventure, which spans eight chapters and two interconnected stories, features the hallmarks of MachineGames – thrilling action, immersive story and intense first-person combat.As war hero B.J. Blazkowicz, arm yourself with new weapons such as the bolt-action rifle and grenade-launching Kampfpistole as you attempt to thwart the advancing Nazi war machine, and take advantage of duel-wielding pipes that can be used for wall climbing – or for vicious take-downs of never-before-seen Nazi adversaries. The Action!Experience MachineGames’ intense first-person combat as you brandish all-new Nazi-inspired weapons such as the bolt-action rifle, 1946 shotgun, and the grenade-launching Kampfpistole. Unlock your potential with a new set of perks for hi-octane action and vicious stealth take-downs.The Adventure!Explore breath-taking set pieces featuring rural Germanic towns, sprawling valleys tangled with cable cars and bridges, ghostly catacombs, as well as a return to the iconic Castle Wolfenstein. Use dual-wielding metal pipes to navigate the world with brand new wall-climbing abilities.The Terror!Go up against a new cast of vicious villains and enemies, including legions of hulking new Super Soldiers, elite shock troops, drones and the darkest and most terrifying Nazi creations yet.
©2015 ZeniMax Media Inc. Developed in association with MachineGames. MachineGames, Bethesda, Bethesda Softworks, ZeniMax and related logos are registered trademarks or trademarks of ZeniMax Media Inc. And/ or other countries. Wolfenstein and related logos are registered trademarks or trademarks of id Software LLC in the U.S. And/or other countries.
All other trademarks or trade names are the property of their respective owners. All Rights Reserved.Wolfenstein®: The Old Blood™ is a fictional story set in an alternate universe in 1946. Names, characters, organizations, locations and events are either imaginary or depicted in a fictionalized manner. The story and contents of this game are not intended to and should not be construed in any way to condone, glorify or endorse the beliefs, ideologies, events, actions, persons or behavior of the Nazi regime or to trivialize its war crimes, genocide and other crimes against humanity.